Media Training Services
Studio Training
Working in a mock studio complete with video, audio, producer and acting show host, we will train you to execute the physical demonstration and verbal sales pitch. You will practice and perfect the sales pitch while simulating the physical demonstration to gain experience and become comfortable in pitching a product with a show host. Training will then be concentrated to focus on your areas of particular concern.
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You will also use an earpiece and mic to practice taking direction from the producer as occurs during the live show, become adept at recognizing and speaking into the correct camera as well as learn to use the monitors as a sales aide. You will receive a DVD of the practice session at the end of the training day.
You will also use an earpiece and mic to practice taking direction from the producer as occurs during the live show, become adept at recognizing and speaking into the correct camera as well as learn to use the monitors as a sales aide. You will receive a DVD of the practice session at the end of the training day.
Demo Writing &
Pitch Development
JumpStart Productions will work with you to design an on-air demonstration for the specific item that is scheduled for presentation on television. We will teach you to use the item’s Features & Benefits to develop a physical demonstration and verbal sales pitch that will not only showcase the item to maximize sales, but also prompt the guest to emphasize the features and benefits as part of their verbal sales pitch.
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The guest will be provided with specific production show notes and a diagram of the demonstration layout. For culinary guests, we will also help the guest select a food stylist and generate specific food styling directions to aid in the demonstration setup and execution. The demonstration and all notes become the property of the client and guest upon completion of the training program.
The guest will be provided with specific production show notes and a diagram of the demonstration layout. For culinary guests, we will also help the guest select a food stylist and generate specific food styling directions to aid in the demonstration setup and execution. The demonstration and all notes become the property of the client and guest upon completion of the training program.
Live-Show Support
JumpStart will provide the following services: Confirm that show notes and B-roll have been ingested for production; Confirm greenroom assignment; Gather and review flowsheets; Arrange the pre-production meeting with the producer, associate producer, show host, and guest; Have culinary guests interface with the food stylist to ensure the demonstration layout is as expected; Speak with floor director to plan what camera angles will best benefit the demonstration…
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We will walk through the demonstration layout with the guest about 15 minutes prior to the airing to confirm everything is set up properly; Accompany you to the set and remain on the set during the airing to give cues if needed; Record the airing; Review the recording with you immediately following the airing and make changes to the demonstration and/or sales pitch if necessary; Collect sales information, if available, for both airings to put into a sales report and distribute the report to the client at the end of the 2nd airing.
We will walk through the demonstration layout with the guest about 15 minutes prior to the airing to confirm everything is set up properly; Accompany you to the set and remain on the set during the airing to give cues if needed; Record the airing; Review the recording with you immediately following the airing and make changes to the demonstration and/or sales pitch if necessary; Collect sales information, if available, for both airings to put into a sales report and distribute the report to the client at the end of the 2nd airing.
Food Styling
JumpStart Productions produces Instructional Videos ranging form 3 minute How-To’s designed for YouTube and Web Casts to 45 minute video manuals for product package pack-ins. Videos can be produced live with audio or shot in segments with voiceover added in edit.